Cutting Edge Industries is a diverse American manufacturing firm, specializing in a number of different core industries, including Lighting, Furniture, Funeral & Cremation, Awards & Promotional Products, Souvenirs and Giftware, as well as a number of other manufacturing segments.
Most of the thousands of products we sell are manufactured in our 40,000 square foot facility in Linden, NJ, where we employ over 50 experienced craftspeople and artisans. Our manufacturing capabilities include metal casting, polishing, painting and finishing, welding, milling and machining, wire bending, shade and fixture fabrication, UL wiring, model and mold making, laser engraving, pad printing, computer drafting and design, as well as many others.
We have an extensive library of over 10,000 stock molds, which enables us to make a tremendous variety of products, quickly and affordably. Our custom capabilities can be utilized to make any design with detail and precision. In addition to our mold library, we work with hundreds of different fabrics and finish combinations, allowing our customers to have complete design control over their projects.
From start to finish, our staff designs, manufactures, assembles, and finishes all of our products from the highest quality materials available, right here in the USA.
Join the thousands of satisfied customers we currently service in the hospitality, government, retail, and promotional product fields we work with. Let us know how we can help you with your project today!